Spectrum Interactive plc


Why add WiFi at your Hotels

That people want to connect to the Internet is no longer a subject for debate. However, simple connectivity really isn't enough any more. They now demand access to the web whenever they want, and wherever they want.

As such, with more and more people doing business on the move - carrying their offices with them - there's now a greater demand and expectation for available, easily accessible cost-effective, resilient WiFi connections than ever before.

That's perhaps more relevant for one sector than any other - hospitality. By their very definition, hotels are in the business of being hospitable - making their guests feel as comfortable, relaxed and looked after as they possibly can.

Despite this, some hotel businesses still view technology, and especially WiFi technology, not as strategic to their organisations now, but as something for the future. They see connectivity as an amenity, like the swimming pool - something that their guests will take or leave.

In the meantime however, others have already begun to see it more like the en suite bathroom - an essential utility that their customers simply can't and won't do without. One hotel owner recently told Spectrum "WiFi is as essential as hot water!".

According to current market statistics, one of these businesses is likely to thrive, the other to stagnate. One will increase its average occupancy levels, enhance customer relations and improve business retention. The other will have to fight just to hold on to what it's already got.

Unlike the swimming pool then, WiFi is not simply 'nice to have' - and there are some major upsides to its deployment.

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